It was all started about a month ago, life was crazy at that time, one submission after another, school had a series of events before the academic year ended and I was freaking tired. To cut the story short, I randomly uninstalled my social media applications on my phone and dang I think I said it few months ago to go social media free by the end of this year.
I haven't reached to that point yet, still scrolling down Twitter before I sleep but I am off Instagram and Facebook for quite some time already. There are times I feel like yknow reinstall those apps again but man my 24 years old brain cannot even remember the password. But
I feel much calmer, less insecure and no unnecessary sakit kepala! Thanks to my forgetful mind, I stop checking on social media every 2 hours, scrolling down people's feed or timeline(whom I don't even know) and putting the pressure on myself (because I haven't achieved what people have). It's true lah after all, what we say is a prayer..and Allah never fails to listen. He knows how much time I wasted on social media rather than doing something beneficial, am grateful He answered my little "prayer".
Social media did more harm than good to me, I always found myself feeling not good enough, often had suuzhon and etc. I really think that it is not about those people on social media, it is about the state of my heart which sometimes failed to see the bright side of things. I am not saying this to feel like my decision to stay off social media is better than those who are still on it, no, a BIG no. I've seen people who can use social media in a good way, benefitting themselves and others as well. Yet for those like me, who face difficulties to stay "sane" on social media, taking a break would definitely do you wonders.
Stop comparing yourself with others in a negative way because darling it won't help you to be better. Put down your phone, focus on your goal and work your heart and soul for it. Beating yourself up for not achieving what people have achieved will only slow down your pace. Do not compare people's end product with your progress. Tak syoklah, kita bukan lahir share one brain with them kan? We got our own, Allah has given us different abilities mestilah journey and outcome pun different kan :)
Put down the phone, stop scrolling and feel pressured and kata

p/s: Minum detox tea boleh kurus(tak selamat okay), try social media detox kurang sakit kepala hehe.
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