assalamualaikum :)
here my tribute to my man of steel!
hehe.. I wrote this with my kekma
and this is actually for my Oral Communication class.
If there are any grammatical errors
I am so sorry since I am in the process of learning :P
uhibbu fillah abah wa mak :')
. He is my laughter, my happiness, my tears and my joy. Tn. Hj
Zainal bin Lateh, my father.
Abah…a lovely husband to a beautiful woman, a responsible
father to five children and a grandfather to four grandchildren. As time goes by, at the of 54, he is still the
same, my role model since the day I was born. People could say that the perfect
father does not exist, I actually do not know if that is true, but what I surely
know is that my father is perfect for me. He always made me feel good with his
warm words, praise and advises. He guides me to step through this wonderful
life. We have shared both joy and tears together.
made the biggest impact during my childhood. Looking back, when I was seven
years oId, I refused to go to school. Abah is the one who was really excited
and hope that I will be succeeded in my school time. He bought me everything in
pink, bag, stationaries and lunchbox set to coax me. On the first day of
school, Abah accompanied me for the whole day, he stood outside of the class
patiently waiting for me to finish the school session. I thought he might not
be there for the next day and yeay! I don’t have to go to the school. But, it
was the other way around. Every single day, he sent me to school, held my hand,
brought my bag and sent me right in front of my class. I told him, “abah, I
don’t want to go to school, I hate it”, Abah smiled, but I know that he cried
inside. He convinced me and told me how importance and fun school is. Abah
believed that “hard works never betray you” and Alhamdulillah with all his
sacrifices and hardships he has gone through to raise me up , I was be able to
believe in myself and went to school.
Today, I am here in CFS IIUM, yes this
is might not a big success for anyone else, but it is a big success for me and
of course for Abah. Words cannot express my love towards him. Thank you ALLAH
for giving me such an amazing and awesome man in my life. May ALLAH protect him
whenever he was, whatever he did, wherever he went. Indeed, a dad is someone
you when you cry
you when you break the rules
with pride when you succeed
has faith in you even when you fail.
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