Asslamualaikum, it has been a long time since I wrote personal post aite?
so here it goes.
Disebabkan this year i'm turning 21. banyak la kawan2 yang dh menyarung cincin,meniti jinjang pelamin dan berada di hospital menunggu untuk bersalin. I am happy for them,seriously. No this post is not about me wanting to get married,no.
Sebenarnya, one of my friemds said to me "jeah,you are not physically attractive". Tbh, I want to feel like it is offensive and i am offended with that. But the truth is I am not. Entah, I feel like it is a compliment.
As for me, lagi senang jadi orang yang tak attractive kot. Tak kisah nak pakai apa janji tutup aurat sebab tak ada orang nak pandang. So the point is, for those who feel like you are not attractive and nobody wants me or nobody likes me. No stop, you are not attractive and you should be proud of it.
Girls, bukankah ia satu kebebasan apabila kita pakai tudung senget ataupun berkasut kuning berjubah hijau and nobody cares about that? i don't know about others,tapi bagi aku tu satu kebebasan. Aku bebas menjadi diri aku dan bebas dari nilaian manusia,gittew.
Tapi bab nobody likes me tu kan, if you have the true friends,diorang tak kisah pun pasal your appearance. Tak attractive tak apa,janji kemas :)
bab nobody wants me tu pulak,alah kalau dah jodoh,tak payah jadi attractive.. Tuhan dah susun dah,inshaAllah:)
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