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Showing posts from February, 2018


Assalamulaikum, another week has passed. I had a pretty busy week with classes, procrastinating(lol) and preparing myself for another 2 weeks trip. Yesterday, my friend and I had a refreshing conversation about parenting. Despite of being two single ladies who are always avoiding any marriage related questions, we sometimes do have this kind of conversation. I told her an opinion of mine, what parents instill to their children will affect they way the children think. Let me give you an example that we had discussed. We differentiate two girls; Girl A and Girl B. Both of them have overprotective parents, they both can't go out with their friends on weekend, watch movie with their classmates and etc. Parents of Girl A "You cannot go out on weekend with your friends because you are still young and it's not your time yet. Stay at home, do your work, excel in study and when the time comes you can do what you always wanted to do." Parents of Girl B You cannot


Assalamulaikum, It has been quite a long week for me, juggling between classes and my new self profound job as a transporter can sometimes be quite tiring. (Can't imagine once the tuition classes start but Alhamdulillah I can't wait!). One thing I like about my new job is I get to meet different customer(s) almost every time. I am obviously a people person so listening to people's story and their thoughts really enlighten my mood. People are human library- talk to them and you'll find amusing stories and lessons.  The highlight of the week is actually what I listened in one of my classes. It really left me in awe. In that class, we learn about testing and assessment and we came to this topic; measurement. In our life we agree on measurement that has been set for a long time ago ; kilometer, meter, centimeter. We agree that 1 meter long is what's on the ruler. We agree that 1 kilometer distance is what's measured. We agree that gold is valuable. We a


Assalamualaikum, See how much free time I have, I could write two posts in 3 days 😂 Forcing myself to be productive(and also running away from reading thesis no jkjk). So today I went to KLIA with my love. Well, one of my loves. Driving with my best friends probably one of the things I secretly treasure the most in our friendship. Three of us could drive, one is an excellent driver, another one is self-proclaimed skillful driver (me) and the last one has her own rules when it comes to driving. We made fun of each other, created one after another lame jokes and went to our random cendol hunting..I miss those moments terribly, from renting car to jalan-jalan to owning our own cars. My best 4 years in my life. Just us three, the weirdos and the craziest of all. But, I hurt my love and it leaves scars. And it takes time to scars to fade..or maybe forever it will be there. Whenever you are ready, I'll be here. I miss us being three, I know deep inside you do too.


Assalamulaikum, Shoot, 3 years of not posting anything on my blog. Finally, I found the perfect mood to let my fingers dance on the keyboard,again. I thank for making me want to write,again. Many things have changed throughout these 3 years, ups and downs, tears and joy and guess what I FINALLY graduated. Got my degree and boom now pursuing my masters degree. Life is full of surprises. I believe this is the path that Allah has planned for me as He is The best planner. It was hard at first because as the so called "a person who knows what she wants", pursuing masters degree is not in my shortlist after completing my degree. But hey it is not that bad. I realized if things didn't go as I planned, there must be reasons behind that. Allah says in the Qur'an. "Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows,