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Shoot, 3 years of not posting anything on my blog.

Finally, I found the perfect mood to let my fingers dance on the keyboard,again. I thank for making me want to write,again.

Many things have changed throughout these 3 years, ups and downs, tears and joy and guess what I FINALLY graduated. Got my degree and boom now pursuing my masters degree. Life is full of surprises.

I believe this is the path that Allah has planned for me as He is The best planner. It was hard at first because as the so called "a person who knows what she wants", pursuing masters degree is not in my shortlist after completing my degree. But hey it is not that bad. I realized if things didn't go as I planned, there must be reasons behind that. Allah says in the Qur'an.

"Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not" ( 2:216)  

Being a post-graduate student is totally a different game from my undergraduate years. Hence, there are new battles. As I go along this journey completing my masters degree I pray that Allah will give me strength to not ever giving up on what I am doing. There are so many things I want to do in life, I definitely will go back to my teaching profession as it is my ultimate passion, I really want to go for solo travelling and above all, I just want to be a better Muslim than I was. I believe we all are. 

So, whatever you are doing right now, don't ever give up and do it Lillahi, He sees, He listens, He knows.

If you are tired, pause and breathe. Resume.

p/s: I am grateful to have my love pursuing masters degree with me. May Allah put her in jannah for everything she did for me and people around her. Amiin.

yeah, it's one sided love because I love her more that she loves me. 


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