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another week has passed. I had a pretty busy week with classes, procrastinating(lol) and preparing myself for another 2 weeks trip.

Yesterday, my friend and I had a refreshing conversation about parenting. Despite of being two single ladies who are always avoiding any marriage related questions, we sometimes do have this kind of conversation.

I told her an opinion of mine, what parents instill to their children will affect they way the children think. Let me give you an example that we had discussed. We differentiate two girls; Girl A and Girl B. Both of them have overprotective parents, they both can't go out with their friends on weekend, watch movie with their classmates and etc.

Parents of Girl A

"You cannot go out on weekend with your friends because you are still young and it's not your time yet. Stay at home, do your work, excel in study and when the time comes you can do what you always wanted to do."

Parents of Girl B

You cannot go out because no one can take you there. Stay at home, do your work and excel in study. Later when you grow up, find a man who can be your husband and you can go watch movies and do things that you always wanted to do with him.

Girl A turned out to be independent, she knows her worth, she knows she can do things by herself.
Girl B turned out to be someone who is longing for a man to save her so that she can do what she has always wanted to do.

Girls, I am not saying we don't need man in our life. We are human, that's part of our fitrah, for us to have partner but not to save us,saving ourselves is OUR JOB. Parents shouldn't let children believe that they need to be saved by someone. They have to strive to save themselves. IT'S YOU AGAINST THE WORLD.

when a person has become a whole, she/he is ready to accept someone else in their life(partner/spouse). You hold the last piece of puzzle you are always trying to find, your partner isn't the last piece of your puzzle. When you guys are together, that is a new puzzle that you guys need to figure out, together.

So, solve yours first.


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