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 2020 feels like a school trip which you reluctant to go but you are forced to...

You really want it to end quickly however when it is really the end of the trip --- you feel like you are about to miss something and the feeling of uncertainty hits you in the guts. This year has been rough and nothing but tough but it sure comes with tonnes of the lesson if and only if we are will to be humble and learn.

I personally learned a lot of things this year. From being a spoiled kid to an independent one, from a lone ranger, and now I am a wife. This year -Allah has tested me from every single angle and I can say this with a light heart now on the last year of 2020, I am eternally grateful that Allah has tested me that way.

I learned to appreciate small things, unseen gestures, and hidden hands that have helped me to go through those tests. Here are a few things that I learned this year.

1. Everyone has their own good side, it takes the right eyes(and heart) to see it.

2. We get nothing from assuming, ask when you do not know. 

3. It is okay to take a little bit of time before you respond to something. Impulsive responses are usually based on emotion.

4. Social media is a toxic place if we do not choose what you consume. Choose, we have the right as a consumer. 

5. Let go, forgive, learn, and forget --let go of the complicated things, the unused clothes, the painful memories, and disconnected relationship.

May Allah give us an opportunity to create a new memory and learn from our mistakes.


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